Endlich wieder Menschenrechtskino! Wegen der Corona-Beschränkungen war es uns leider nicht möglich, euch früher wieder im WOKI zu begrüßen.
Wir starten mit einem bewegenden Film über die Reise einer syrischen Journalistin und Rebellin, die ihre Tochter Sama zusammen mit ihrem Mann im syrischen Bürgerkrieg großzieht.
For Sama (Arabic: من أجل سما ‘min ajl sama‘) is a 2019 documentary film produced and narrated by Waad Al-Kateab, and directed by Al-Kateab and Edward Watts. The film focuses on Waad Al-Kateab’s journey as a journalist and rebel in the Syrian uprising. Her husband is Hamza Al-Kateab, one of the few doctors left in Aleppo, and they raise their daughter Sama Al-Kateab during the Syrian Civil War.
The film had its world premiere at the South by Southwest festival on March 11, 2019, where it won the Documentary Feature Competition’s Grand Jury and Audience Awards.
For Sama made history when it was nominated in four categories in the BAFTA awards, making it the most nominated documentary ever. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 92nd Academy Awards.